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Dauwke creates conte(n)(x)t through conte(n)(x)t. With a lens that captures everything that is between - what is, was and could be. She builds bridges for us to cross - back, forth and further. Dream-Reality, Energy-Matter, Space-Place, Concepts-Actions. She juggles through a world of 2D-3D-4D using tools as atmospheric scenography, architectural structures, spatiality and conceptualization. She seeks a world that sees beyond the duality and aims to connect. 

Currently in Brussels

Calçada Marmelada - Waking Life, PT
Scenolab, CLUB - Stelplaats, Leuven, BE
Luminal* - BE 

Queer Arts Festival - Stelplaats, Leuven, BE
Womxn building communities - Ariege, FR
Waking Life 2023, Bairro Marmelada - Crato, PT
Mars 2023, The Temple of Silence - CA, USA 

Waking Life 2023, Bairro Marmelada - Crato, PT

Waking Life 2020, Built Your Own SafeSpace - online, www
Collectible 2020, with Atelier Tomas Dirrix - Brussels, BE

Waking Life 2019, Built Your Own Traumgarten - Crato, PT

2014 - 2019
Master Architecture - KULeuven, LUCA School of Arts, Ghent


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